Thank you for visiting the King Farm Neighbors Village (KFNV) website. The KFNV is a volunteer organization whose purpose is to help King Farm residents age in place in their homes. The King Farm Neighbors Village is part of the national village movement which began about twenty years ago in the Beacon Hill neighborhood of Boston, where neighbors got together to look out for each other. This movement grew organically from that one village in Boston to hundreds of villages in the United States. The KFNV is part of the thirty-one operating or developing villages in Montgomery County and one of four villages in Rockville. The KFNV became incorporated in August of 2017 and received its IRS designation as a 501(c) (3) charitable organization. The KFNV officially launched as an operating village on October 1, 2019 and is a registered affiliate of King Farm Citizens Assembly.
Neighbors Helping Neighbors
The mission of the King Farm Neighbors Village is reflected in its motto: “Neighbors Helping Neighbors.” Specifically, working with its volunteers the KFNV coordinates services for its members such as friendly visits, check-in phone calls, social, health, and safety events—in-person and virtually--grocery and pharmacy pick-up and delivery services, and transportation for medical appointments. Its ongoing, monthly events include Coffee and Conversation as well as a book club. In addition to these services, the KFNV offers community information through timely emails to its members, volunteers, and supporters. Many of the KFNV members both receive services and provide services as volunteers, thus modeling KFNV mission of working as a community of connected neighbors with “Neighbors Helping Neighbors.”
In Our Volunteers' Words
Two sets of friendly phone calls were made in April by KFNV volunteers to check on members’ well-being during the time of the COVID-19 health emergency. As one volunteer said:
“Thanks for matching me up with H. I feel I got more out of the phone call than he did; for my conversation with H. was a lift in the midst of very difficult times.”
Another volunteer stated:
“I called E. early this afternoon and spent quite a long time talking to her…Lovely woman! She has my telephone number, and I have hers; so I shall call again in a couple of weeks, unless she beats me to it.”
Join Our Community of
Neighbors Helping Neighbors
The KFNV welcomes new members to its community. Please see the boxes on the bottom of the Home page to sign up as a member, volunteer, or supporter. If you want additional information about the KFNV or how to register, please contact the KFNV Coordinators at kfnvinfo@gmail.com or by voicemail at (301) 799-8104.
Board Members
Teresa Anderson - President
Toni Negro - Secretary
Amanda Raman - Treasurer
Barbara Baldoni - Communications Coordinator
Pat Carmack - Governance Committee Chair
Ricki Curry - Operations Committee Chair
Kay Farley - Events Committee Chair
Richard Feehan - KFNV Friends Committee Chair
Reda Sheinberg - Webmaster
Sue Spector
Jim Grueff
In Appreciation
King Farm Neighbors Village (KFNV) ‘s current Board of Directors (Board) as well as its members, volunteers, and supporters would like to thank those who were the original KFNV founders and the first Board members.
Carrol Smith originated the idea of a Village for King Farm. Ms. Smith consulted about her idea with Bob Silva, Jim Curry, and Gail Sherman, who became known as “The Founding Four.” Then, in 2016, the first Planning Group consisting of: Bob Silva, Marion Silva, Judy Niner,
Linda Grabel, Jim Curry, Jackie Silber, Laurie Farrington, Jim Grueff, and Esmail Tehrani met to formally discuss the creation of a Village in King Farm. Finally, this Planning Group evolved into the first KFNV Board of Directors: Bob Silva, President, Jackie Silber, Secretary, Laurie
Farrington, Treasurer, Jim Grueff, Judy Niner, and Linda Grabel.
The present KFNV thanks all those who had the creative foresight to see the need for a Village in King Farm. We all have benefited from your foresight and hard work in getting the KFNV off the ground. Through your work, the KFNV has served as a valuable contribution to the King Farm community and is positioned to continue its mission of “Neighbors Helping Neighbors” as it goes forward in the future. Thank you from the bottom of our collective hearts!