We are a volunteer organization designed to help King Farm residents who would like to age in place in their homes.
The purpose of a village is to enable senior residents to be mostly self-sufficient and improve their quality of life. The village coordinates services such as:
Friendly visits,
Check-in phone calls,
Household tasks,
Social, health and safety events,
Grocery and pharmacy pick-up and delivery,
Transportation for a medical appointment.
We serve all residents living within the development of King Farm, which has a population of approximately 7,430.
King Farm is the second largest of Rockville's 15 neighborhoods, according to the Statistical Atlas and Census data.
To see street-level views of King Farm and nearby neighborhoods, click here to visit Google Maps.

What is a "village"?
The village concept is a national movement that organizes volunteers within a community to provide services to their neighbors.
Services may include social visits, friendly phone calls or trips to a medical appointment.
How does a village help improve health and quality of life?
Villages are designed to address social isolation, a significant predictor of early death. In fact, loneliness eclipses obesity and heavy smoking as a predictor of early death. Loneliness shortens the lifespan by 7.5 years. Importantly, it shortens the "healthspan" or the period of time when one is generally healthy and free of disease.
Why are villages an emerging trend?
Senior citizens are the fastest growing age group in the US, expected to reach 20% of the population in less than 15 years. Most senior households (88%) would prefer to stay in their current residences and their current communities as long as possible (AARP survey, 2014). Villages are growing in popularity across the country. Montgomery County currently has 31 operating or developing villages. The KFNV launched as an operating village in October of 2019.
Why is King Farm an ideal location for a village?
As a planned community, King Farm provides an ideal setting for launching a village and promoting healthy aging. It is physically designed to be walkable and near public transportation. King Farm’s location is convenient to multiple health care services, as well as cultural and educational venues—all of which are important for a high quality of life and for the lifestyle of active seniors.
How does a village help King Farm?
Villages support home ownership, community engagement and stable neighborhoods.
How can I help KFNV grow?
We welcome King Farm residents who want to volunteer their time to attend events and meet their neighbors as well as members and supporters.
How can I learn more?
Contact us or send us an email at kfnvinfo@gmail.com.