As you all are aware, we are in the midst of a health pandemic due to COVID 19. As a Village, we are committed to protecting our community by helping to stop or at least to slow the spread of the virus. To that end and with guidance from our national, state, and local leaders as well as from our public health officials, our Village is cancelling in-person events through March 31, 2020. More specifically, this cancellation includes the Coffee and Conversation on Wednesday, March 18, 2020 and the event with Bob Levey on Thursday March 26, 2020. We will reevaluate at the end of March whether we can reinstate our in-person events. Please consult our website for future events.
Even though we are cancelling our in-person events, we are still offering our friendly phone calls. In addition, we are offering our members help in registering for on-line grocery and pharmacy delivery services via a phone call with our volunteers. We hope this added phone service will alleviate the worry that our members may feel in venturing out to the grocery store or pharmacy. For any of our phone services, please contact the Member Coordinators at or by voicemail at (301) 799-8104.
Because we know that you are receiving lots of information about the virus from all sorts of sources, we would like to recommend that you consult the newsletter from the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). DHHS has published a very comprehensive guide about COVID 19 that organizes information about the various concerns surrounding the crisis Please visit:
Working as the community of connected neighbors that we are, we will weather this storm together and come through it stronger and more resilient. Remember when life gives you lemons, make lemonade; but wash your hands first!
Take care and stay safe.