On Thursday, June 27, 2024 from 7:00-8:30 pm, the King Farm Neighbors Village (KFNV) will host in the King Farm Community Center a presentation: “Introduction to Sign Language,” by Betsy Marcus and Sue Spector. Ms. Marcus received her Master’s Degree in American Sign Language (ASL) Interpretation from Gallaudet University, Washington, DC, and has been an ASL interpreter for Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) for over 30 years. Ms. Spector, a retired MCPS elementary teacher and one of the KFNV Board members, was trained in ASL by Ms. Marcus and used ASL with her second -grade students. The KFNV invites all King Farmers to this event, as membership is not a requirement to attend this presentation. The KFNV hopes to see many King Farmers at this educational event as we learn together about the deaf culture and language.
